Effortlessly Share Jesus Through Engaging Stories

Want to share your faith without awkward conversations or pressure? Gospel Story Books make it simple—just give a great story and let it do the talking.

Get Your Personalized Gospel Story Book Now

Maybe you recognize any of these questions:

What if Sharing Jesus Could Be as Simple as Giving a Good Story Book?

I’ve learned that if it comes to sharing Jesus, most people resist arguments, but they love engaging narratives.

With Gospel Story Books, you don’t have to convince anyone—you can simply give them a short story book that opens their heart.

I had to learn this myself, here’s how that happened…

A True Story That Changed Everything

We were doing a delivery of a 70 ft motoryacht from Rotterdam to Sweden, 4 guys, 2 believers, 2 not yet, sharing the adventure, lots of laughing and telling stories about our lives…

One night, under a sky full of stars, we were having a deep conversation—until I made a mistake. I went into convincing and persuasion mode about my faith. My friends shut down instantly.

Then my friend Johan did something different. He simply shared his personal story, how he met Jesus—no arguments, no pressure. The result? They leaned in, engaged, and truly listened.

That moment changed everything for me. It showed me that storytelling is the key to sharing faith in a way people actually want to hear. That’s why I created Gospel Story Books—to help you do the same.

But let me introduce myself…

Get Your Personalized Gospel Story Book Now

My name is Robert Feddes

I was raised in the Dutch Reformed Church but basically walked away from the faith in my teenage years.

It was not until an uncle of mine became a born again believer that I got interested in the faith again.

He offered me a trip to Bible School in Australia, where I had never been. Long story short, there I found out who Jesus is according to the Bible, and I decided to give my life over to Jesus and accept Him as the son of God who died for me and rose again from the grave and now sits in heaven and will soon come back.

For years I worked as a management trainer and teambuilder, next to being active in the churches we were in.

My wife Danielle and I are involved in Boat Ministry in Greece and for that I decided to combine our experience in teaching, training, and writing with the timeless power of storytelling.

The result is Gospel Story Books. These books make sharing Jesus as simple as giving a friend a good book to read.

I can’t wait to help you share your faith with confidence and ease.

— Robert Feddes

Here’s How Gospel Story Books Transform Faith Sharing:

Why This Works So Well

You have access to people only you have easy access to, and GospelStoryBooks now make faith sharing easy

Here’s What You Get With Every Gospel Story Book:

  • Get your name printed on every GospelStoryBook you share. This means your friends receive a book that feels like a personal gift from you, making them more likely to read and engage with its message. Imagine the joy of hearing them say “I read your book last night and it really made me think…”

  • Unlimited sharing within your personal network. Once you make a single donation payment, you receive a personalized digital copy that you can freely share with everyone in your circle – whether that’s 10 people or 1,000. It’s like planting seeds of faith that can grow and multiply through your connections. Picture the ripple effect as your one-time gift touches the lives of countless friends, family members, and acquaintances.

  • Let proven storytelling do the heavy lifting. Each GospelStoryBook naturally guides readers through a journey of discovery without arguing or preaching. You’ll feel relief knowing you can share your faith without worrying about having all the right answers.

  • Written specifically for busy skeptics. These aren’t long religious texts – they’re engaging short stories that address real questions people have about faith. Feel the relief of knowing you’re sharing something they’ll actually want to read.

  • Instant Digital Flexibility. Your personalized PDF means you can share the moment someone shows interest – no missed opportunities because you didn’t have something on hand. Imagine being ready whenever that door opens for spiritual conversation.

A Simple Plan to Share Faith Confidently

  • Choose a Gospel Story Book

    Pick a captivating story that speaks to your friend’s journey.

  • Personalize It

    Your name goes inside, making it a heartfelt gift.

  • No pressure, no awkwardness—just a powerful story that does the talking.

    Wouldn't it be great if loved ones & friends discover Jesus through these stories? You better be prepared for casual conversations to develop into genuine interest in faith -;) It is our prayer that God will use these simple stories to touch hearts and transform lives.

What’s at Stake?

If you keep waiting for the “perfect moment” to share your faith, it may never come.

But when you hand someone a Gospel Story Book, you plant a seed. You open the door for real conversations—without the fear of messing it up.

Start today. Your story can change a life.

Why This Works

  • Stories are non-threatening. No debates, just discovery.

  • It’s effortless. Just give a book—no pressure, no awkward moments.

  • It deepens relationships. These books spark natural, meaningful conversations.